Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Webby Site

Hello Friend Fries,

I have finally uploaded something to Awesome improvements will be made soon. These changes will (hopefully) include:

1. A background that actually shows up.
2. The .swf file being dead center on the page, rather than top center.
3. A loader, so my viewers know they're waiting for load.
4. A smaller file, so it doesn't take an entire minute to load.
5. Other good suggestions brought to me by my dear critics.

Hooray. Now I just need to work on so the universe can finally rest. It's absence has caused quite a disturbance as of late, apparently :c|

In the meantime, you can see the strips at during the comic-harboring site's construction.

Thanks to all of you who miss/want more shay-town comics. You have filled my heart meats with the desire to persevere.

Look for the site that looks like this!

1 comment:

Jess! said...

Once it loads everything moves so quickly. It looks sharp.

She Sings Sub Rosa © 2008 | Coded by Randomness | Illustration by Shayna | Design by Shayna