Sunday, April 19, 2009

Things to come...

As most of my readers know, my BFA Thesis Exhibition "OMG Whimsy" is currently hanging in the UAF Fine Arts Complex Gallery. With the help of my wonderful best friend, Jess, and amazing boyfriend, Nick, I was able to get everything set up in the gallery before my thesis defense, with 15 minutes to spare. That's right. I had to defend my work after being awake for over 60-72 hours.

From what I've heard from other people who had to defend their art this semester, my defense went really well. Apparently, some people cry during these things, which really made me nervous. However, the questions weren't threatening, so during the Q and A I never felt like I was on the verge of tears. They had me talk about my work, asked a series of questions and then sent me out of the room. I was told to expect the art faculty to keep me in the hallway for 20-30 minutes, but after about 10 minutes of deliberation, they gave me the okay to open my show to the public.

Now it's been open since Monday, the 13th, and will continue to stay up until the 24th. I get up at 8am every morning to open the doors, set up the computers and turn on the lights. Then every night I return at 9pm to shut everything down. It's so strange to walk into a room full of my artwork staring back at me, especially in the morning. It feels so surreal. I think I'm really going to miss it when it's over.

I will be posting more photos and some video of the show in a day or so for those of you who can't enjoy "OMG Whimsy" in person. I hope you all like these future postings! Until then, here's a picture of me and the man that kept me sane and awake during the entire setup. It was taken by Jess at the Opening Reception of my show.

He has no idea how much I adore him <3

PS I adore you, too, Jess ;o)

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